
Install v0.2.36

Published on Dec 6 2024 at 21:54 UTC
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Traefik Dynamic Configuration Manager

A Rust library for managing Traefik dynamic configuration through etcd.


Head to for installation instructions.


The configuration is done in the config/config.yml file. You can also pass in a partial etcd config via the cli to override the default config.

traefikctl get -f ./config/config-devcontainer.yml --etcd-config='{"endpoints": [""], "tls": {"cert": "./config/tls/etcd-peer.pem", "key": "./config/tls/etcd-peer-key.pem", "ca": "./config/tls/ca.pem", "domain": "etcd"}}'

The configuration file actually contains a script using the handlebars syntax (tera) that is used to generate the configuration file, so you can use the render command to see what exactly is being generated before being used.

traefikctl render -f ./config/config-devcontainer.yml

There is a helper to use the environment variables to save typing -f {config_file}. Use .envrc to load the environment variables:

source .envrc
# Or 
direnv allow


cp .devcontainer/traefik/dynamic.example.yml .devcontainer/traefik/dynamic.yml
cp .devcontainer/traefik/traefik.example.yml .devcontainer/traefik/traefik.yml

Getting Started

There are a few scripts to help you get started.

# Build the docker image (to contain common dependencies)
./scripts/ build

# Start the docker container
./scripts/ start

# Exec into the container
./scripts/ exec

Reset the container

Occasionally you may need to reset the container. This will remove the container, rebuild the image, and start a new one. This uses the devcontainer command. If you do not have the devcontainer command, you can open vscode and run the install devcontainer command using the command palette.

./scripts/ reset


This project is built with a few goals in mind:

  • Keep the configuration of traefik as simple as possible using etcd and a simple configuration format.

Traefik is configured using a simple configuration format that is easy to understand and modify. The configuration is stored in etcd, and is automatically synced to the container. in addition, there is a frontend web app you can use to manage the configuration (more on that later).

traefikctl is a cli tool that is used to manage the configuration. It can be executed using the traefikctl command or through source using cargo run. To see all of the commands, you can run cargo run -- --help or traefikctl --help.

To get started, you can run traefikctl get to see the current configuration, but you can generate your own config file using the traefikctl generate command.

traefikctl generate -o ./config/generated.yml

In the case of using the devcontainer command, you'll need to generate ssl certificates for the etcd server. You can use the ./scripts/ script to generate the certificates. Run the command to see all of the options.

After you generate the certificates, you'll need to load them into the container.

The helpful script ./scripts/ can be used to launch the devcontainer, load the certificates, run etcd, traefik, and (eventually) the frontend.


Each host has a domain, a list of paths, and a list of deployments.


Each path has a path, a list of deployments, a list of middlewares, and a boolean to strip the prefix. The deployments are keyed by the deployment name, which is used to determine which router to use.


Each deployment has an ip, a port, a weight, and a boolean to determine if the cookie should be passed through.

It can also have a list of weights for each deployment.

The root of the project are deployments. Every deployment will create a router in Traefik as well as a service. You can configure the deployment to handle Traefik routes as well as Kubernetes routes.


  • Strongly typed configuration using Rust structs that are automatically exported to TypeScript
  • Support for blue/green deployments with weighted load balancing
  • Middleware configuration for headers, TLS, and more
  • Host and path-based routing
  • Integration with etcd key-value store

Configuration Example

The configuration is defined in YAML format. Here's an example:

  endpoints: [""]
  timeout: 2000
  keep_alive: 300
    cert: "./config/tls/etcd-peer.pem"
    key: "./config/tls/etcd-peer-key.pem"
    ca: "./config/tls/ca.pem"

        X-Forwarded-Proto: "https"
        X-Forwarded-Port: "443"
        Location: ""
        Location: ""
        - "GET"
        - "Content-Type"
        - Location
      add_vary_header: true

  - domain: ""
    www_redirect: true
      - path: "/test"
            port: 8080
            weight: 50
            port: 8080
            weight: 50
          - enable-headers
          - forward-server

    # Root path (catch-all)
        port: 8080
        weight: 100

Connecting to etcd

You can connect to etcd using a TLS certificate, or over an ssh tunnel. The endpoints field in the config file should be a list of all the etcd endpoints you want to connect to. If you are connecting over tls, you will need to provide the cert, key, and ca files. as the tls field.

Middleware Configuration

Middlewares are configured in the middlewares section. Each middleware has a name, and a set of options that are specific to the middleware. The middleware name is the name of the middleware in Traefik. The middleware name is used to apply the middleware to a path.

Host Configuration

Hosts are configured in the hosts section. Each host has a domain, a list of paths, and a list of deployments. The domain is used to determine which router to use in Traefik. The paths are used to determine which deployments to use for the path.

Without paths, you can configure the host to catch all paths. with a root deployments section. If you want to configure a specific path, you can do so with the paths section.

Keys in deployments

  • ip - The ip address of the deployment
  • port - The port of the deployment
  • weight - The weight of the deployment
  • protocol - The protocol to use to connect to the deployment. Defaults to http but you can set it to tls.

Running over an ssh tunnel

ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -L 2379: alerner@proxy


The frontend is a simple web app that is used to manage the configuration. It is built with Svelte and Skeleton.

It is not built with any frameworks in mind, so it could be hosted on any static file server.

There is a helpful command to start the frontend -- cargo make dev.

If you get an error on a mac, you'll need to reinstall the cargo-make crate. Cannot run macOS (Mach-O) executable in Docker: Exec format error

cargo install cargo-make --force
cargo install cargo-watch --force

Dev notes

Check the etcd container for keys:

# Find the etcd container ID
docker ps --format '{{.ID}} {{.Image}} {{.Names}}' | awk '($2 ~ /\/bitnami\/etcd/ || $3 ~ /etcd$/) {print $1}'

# Or as a one-liner:
ETCD_ID=$(docker ps --format '{{.ID}} {{.Image}} {{.Names}}' | awk '($3 ~ /etcd/) {print $1}')

# Then use it like:
docker exec -it $ETCD_ID etcdctl get /traefik/config --prefix
# Or as a one-liner:
docker exec -it $(docker ps --format '{{.ID}} {{.Image}} {{.Names}}' | awk '($3 ~ /etcd/) {print $1}') bash
export ecd="/opt/bitnami/etcd/bin/etcdctl --endpoints=https://localhost:2379 --cacert=/etc/etcd/tls/ca.pem --cert=/etc/etcd/tls/server.pem --key=/etc/etcd/tls/server-key.pem"

# traefik container
docker exec -it $(docker ps --format '{{.ID}} {{.Image}} {{.Names}}' | awk '($3 ~ /-traefik/) {print $1}') sh

export ecd="/bin/etcdctl --endpoints=https://etcd:2379 --cacert=/etc/traefik/tls/ca.pem --cert=/etc/traefik/tls/server.pem --key=/etc/traefik/tls/server-key.pem"


In case the visualization isn't helpful within yaml, you can turn it into a dot graph using graphviz

sudo apt update && sudo apt install graphviz

Then you can run the following command to generate a graph into pdf:

cargo run -- graph -d > public/ && dot -T pdf public/ -o public/graph.pdf


Okay, to get this working on windows, you'll need to make sure Docker Desktop is installed and running and connected to the WSL 2 backend. You'll also need to make sure you have the devcontainer command installed. You can install it using VSCode.

Press Ctrl+Shift+P and search for install devcontainer and run the command.

This does not work with powershell, you must use wsl to run the commands.